new case histories

How can a motor of just 2.2 kW solve an application such as drying, usually carried out by much larger motors or compressed air ? 

Our answer is: the set of components that allow the engine to express all its efficiency at its best!


It often happens, even near our stand at trade fairs, that the visitor wants to read the motor plate because he cannot believe that such a small motor can generate such an astonishing air flow.

This can only happen from an accurate design of each component of the system, and from their interaction, limiting pressure losses and maximizing the flow of air generated by the blower up to the outlet.

  • The blower with an extremely low weight thanks to the thermoplastic material but which, thanks to its shape and geometry, maximizes the power of the motor;
  • the adjustable diffusers and the air knives: the latter are available with differentiated clips (from 2.1 to 6mm) which allow the optimization of the output flow depending on the application;
  • connectors and pipes: which carry the air flow from the blower to the outlet, designed to limit pressure losses and make coupling fast and effective;

Linea GreenBlow Plus

  • the inveter: let’s not forget the fundamental role played by the inverter.
    The programming we studied and loaded on the inverters supplied by us, is the result of an in-depth study that allows maximum motor performance while limiting the vibrations and noise of the blower as much as possible. We are also available to evaluate special programming to satisfy any need.
    Different types of inverters are available to meet any need: integrated, i.e. without the need for an electric panel, or to be inserted into the electrical panel, basic or advanced models that allow predictive maintenance, remote control of operation and alarms, and much more…


The purpose of our GreenBlow® air line is precisely to provide ALL the elements necessary to create a real blowing system.
Nothing should be left to chance!
Only in this way is it possible to provide the best combination to solve every type of application with minimal energy impact and maximum efficiency.

To understand which combination of components best meets your needs and your application, contact your sales representative or fill out the contact form on the website

If you want to see some drying case histories, consult the appropriate section of the site with applications divided by application and sector


A new sector, that of horticulture, a new application: trimming machine.

The use of the standard version of the GreenBlow together with an air knife of variable size, depending on the width of the trolley, helped the customer in the process of trimming the seedlings.

Case History: Trimming machine 

This application in the horticultural sector helps to blow the leaves, or cut plant parts, towards the extractor hood, thus overcoming the force of gravity that would lead to them being left on the ground.

The lightness and modularity of the system made integration with the existing machine very simple and quick.
Furthermore, the installed power is only 0.37 kW!

Here the video of the application:


GreenBlow® Line will be present in CibusTec !!!

CibusTec, the exhibition for food&beverage technologies, will take place in few weeks in Parma, from 24th to 27th October.

We will be present directly with our stand (Pav. 03/031) to show some of possible  drying solutions made with all components of GreenBlow® Line.

What you will see in our stand  ?

We’ll show some different drying solutions made with GreenBlow® Line, in order to understand how it is easy to set up a drying system simply choosing the right components !

The applications that will be shown will be:

  • drying of bottles and all bottled products, with a complete line in Visual Blue version
  • drying of cans, jars  and all canned foods
  • drying through an air knife, suitable to dry fruits and veges, plastic boxes or kegs (ex: beer)

See other GreenBlow applications for Food Sector , Beverage, Fruits & Veggies

Useful Link

Cooling and Energy Saving,
with GreenBlow® is possible !!!

The digital tile printing process, in order to be effective, needs two fundamental conditions:
– receive the tile at a temperature compatible with the printer;
– absence of surface steam which could damage the print heads.

For these reasons, the cooling process of the tiles before the digital printer is essential to obtain an optimal printing result, limit production waste but also preserve the expensive print heads.

Is it possible to cool and limit energy consumption ?

With the components of our GreenBlow® Air Line it is possible to create battery cooling systems with a low energy impact thanks to the use of high-performance and low-consumption motors.

The blowers used for the cooling process are GreenBlow IE3, equipped with a high efficiency 0.37kW 50Hz electric motor, built to our specifications. This motor, if combined with an inverter, can operate up to 65Hz without dropping of torque making it adaptable to environmental conditions.
Therefore, in the event of lower ambient temperatures, it is possible to optimize the operation of the blower in order to increase energy savings (the programmed inverter, supplied by us, already includes this function which can be activated).

A cooling battery made up of about 10 GB IE3 at 65 Hz with relative air knives can consume a maximum of 4,8Kw !!!

How does cooling through blowers work?

The GreenBlow® blowers system uses air at room temperature, it does not create a thermal shock but a turbulence on the tile surface which both cools the surface and interrupts the evaporation process of the glaze – or of the engobe.

This phenomenon has sufficient persistence to overcome the passage under the print heads, optimizing printing and preserving the heads.


What do I need to create a cooling system?

The GreenBlow® catalog includes all the necessary components: blowers, diffusers and air knives, together with connectors and supports that allow you to quickly and easily create your own cooling combination that can be adapted to your production line and production needs.

Contact your sales representative to be able to understand together which components of the line are necessary to best configure your application.

Possible system configurations

Thanks to the wide range of components available, it is possible to “tailor-made” the cooling system to your needs.

The configurations can be many: very compact systems with reduced dimensions, modular systems that can operate at full capacity or reduced depending on the temperatures, systems integrated with other cooling stations depending on the type of production in progress, fixed or trailerable systems, etc. …

Finally, to complete the system, it is also possible to integrate a suction station to intercept deposits of dust and eliminate them both from the tile and from the work environment (even in the absence of suction centralized system).

Maintenance costs  ?

This system has practically zero maintenance costs.

Furthermore, if a blower stops, the cooling system does not stop, so production can continue at the same speed with minimal loss of efficiency.
Replacement is very quick and can be done by any maintenance worker without waiting for the specialized technician.

HERE Cooling Case History

HERE it’s possible to see other GreenBlow Ceramic Sector applications

Smart Blow

SmartBlow is a highly efficient and effective system for
drying bottles, jars, cans and other packaged products.

In a sector where packaging, in addition to preserving the product, is a decisive marketing tool, the quality of the packaged product is essential. Correct labeling and perfect conservation are characteristics that can significantly influence sales.

Bottles drying

Be it wines, spirits, fruit juices or any bottled liquid, drying before the labeling stage is essential. Furthermore, removing the water residues under the cap allows for perfect conservation in stock, avoiding oxidation which would make the product unsalable.

Application video available HERE

Cans, Jars, Canned products

Also in this case the drying before the labeling phase after pasteurization phases, for example, is a decisive process for the quality of the product. Some critical points of these products are under the screw cap, or under the flip-part where water residues are more difficult to remove.
SmartBlow is specially designed to solve even these complex points.

Application video available HERE

TetraPack and Carton Bricks

In this case, drying on all sides of the product allows correct marking of the product and effective gluing of the straw, if present.

Application video available HERE

A “tailor-made” product

All SmartBlow diffusers are “tailor-made” products, so that they can perfectly follow the shape of the packaging to be dried to maximize its effectiveness.
The number of drying stations needed depends on the speed of the line and the drying expectations required.

General characteristics of the GreenBlow® Line

GreenBlow® Line has unique characteristics as it combines blowers with relatively low pressures and high flow rates. The accessories that are part of the line, together with air knives and diffusers (custom designed for the blowers) are able to offer high speed air flows with minimum pressure drops.

These characteristics are essential for a complex drying application such as that required by this sector, never forgetting a low energy impact and high efficiency.

All GreenBlow® Line is available also in BluVisual version designed for the food sector.
The main features are: technopolymers suitable for food contact, RAL5005 blue color and stainless steel screws and brackets.

Exhibitions of the Sector

Contact us for specific consultation about your application or come and visit us at the trade fairs scheduled for Autumn:

  • FOODTECH – Alimentaria – Barcelon (Spain), from 26 to 29 September, near our distributor  UCERSA ‘ booth – Nivel 0, Calle E, Stand 118
  • CIBUSTECParma (Italy) – from 24 to 27 October, near our booth Pav.03 Booth 031


Here it’s possible to see other application in beverage sector

Our hydraulic version of the GreenBlow born to be applied on agricultural machines.
The engineering of this product has taken into consideration that the application on operating machines is particularly heavy due to vibrations and dust.

We have published an interesting case history that shows the application on a Fertilizer spreader, but could be made also on seeding machine.

Case History: Fertilizer spreader 

This application of the hydraulic GreenBlow help to distribute the fertilizer pellets (or seeds also)  on the ground in a homogeneous manner.

Furthermore, another problem that has been solved, thanks to the plastic materials of which our blower is made, is that of rust caused by prolonged contact with the fertilizer, which is highly corrosive on ferrous metals.

Here the video of the application:


Eu Directive UE2017/2398, put respirable crystalline silica (SLC) dust on carcinogenic substances list.  So, in addition to control the risk of exposure of all operators that could keep in contact with it, it’s necessary to control the spread of this substance in the working environment.

Free crystalline silica is that fraction of silica dust and its derivatives with sufficiently small dimensions (a few microns) to be able to enter into human air sacs. It is a dust generated during the production of ceramic tiles and/or during the processing of natural stones, marble and other.

The guidelines of machines and specialized associations are:
– insert suction system with suction hoods;
– it’s highly reccomended the application of high-efficiency (F9) or absolute (HEPA) filters.

Processes involved: all dry processes like polishing, cutting, squaring, grinding but also mills, pressing, enamelling and firing

Our Pull’n’Catch® system fully meets the above requirements !

Pull’n’Catch is the simples and cheapest system that can solve this problem on every application: it’s composed by an hood, a first step of filtration through a cyclone, and a second step of filtration through a filter that could be F9 or HEPA14.

Here a video of one of the many applications made in this months:

Please note that: the system can be supplied for small frames like the one of the video but also for large frames over 3 meters! Such as, for example, at the entrance to the kilns.

If you need more info or if you need some suggestion about how to apply this system to your machine, do not hesitate to contact us ! We will be pleased to support you with our technical assistance.

PULL'n'CATCH® for contaminated air filtration in processing with hotmelt glue. Avoid contaminated air come into contact with operators.

PULL'n'CATCH® for contaminated air filtration in processing with hotmelt glue. Avoid contaminated air come into contact with operators.


PULL'n'CATCH® for contaminated air filtration

Pull’n’Catch® system is giving us great satisfactions every day, in this case for contaminated air filtration system !

The request to apply it not only in our historical sectors, but also in new one, demonstrates how this system can be applied everywhere and solve particular problems so far without solution, or with very expensive solutions.

We have published a new case history in Suction area that solved the problem of contaminated air near operators due to an hutment glue manual operation.

In the video, we have used an artificial smoke to better understand how the air moves and the result was achieve avoiding that the contaminated air (from the solvents) arrive to the face of the operators.

Go to the case history clicking on the image !